Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homework blog 17

a. 6 moles
b. 5 moles
c. 5 moles

a. 1 mole
b. 621 g
c. 28 g
d. 415 g

15. 14 + 16 + 16 = 46
32/46 = 70%, not 67%

a. Ag2S = 87% silver
b. Al2O3 = 53% aluminum
c. CaCO3 = 40% calcium

a. PbSO4 = 68% lead
b. 10% PbSO4 in the ore sample
c. 6.8% Pb in the total ore sample
d. 10% lead in the PbSO4 ore
68% lead in lead sulfate


a. Reusing means a product is used again for the same purpose. However, recycling means that a product can be used again in a different setting.
b. Two examples of recycling are water bottles and compost. Two examples of reusing are clothes and lunch boxes.

a. Four examples of renewable resources are solar energy, biomass, wood, and natural gas.
b. Four examples of nonrenewable resources are fossil fuels, crude oil/petroleum, gas, and coal.

a. Reusing
b. Recycling
c. Recycling

21. A light bulb would only be recyclable, whereas a newspaper would be recyclable and reusable.

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